Fantasy Art Unlimited Course9 September 2007 The highly successful, evening Fantasy Art Unlimited Course run by Tim has changed venue. The course is now being run out of the new Livesey Children's and All-Ages Centre. There is lots more room this year and a lot more scope for creating larger pieces of artwork because of this. The course has been in existence for the last three years and as it is about to start its fourth year there are some BIG changes! Before we go into those, however, Tim and his students would first like to publically thank Chris Trickett, Director of House of Trix and the guys down at Eanam Wharf Business Park in Blackburn for enabling the course to run out of the House of Trix studios during the 2006 - 2007 terms. Here are a few details for the latest course:Duration of FAU course: 30 x weeks Duration of sessions: 3 x hours each session Evening: Wednesdays Course Start Date: Wednesday 26th September 2007 Cost of course: £100.00 The deadline for payments is: Wednesday 26th September 2007. Address of Venue: Livesey Children's and All-Ages Centre - Andrew Close - (off Scotland Bank Terrace) - Blackburn - Lancashire - BB2 4NU - UK Some details about the course content:The course will cover lots of things from the basics of sketching loosely and confidently, through to inking and painting. Topics covered include: Comic books And lots more besides... The course is geared up to suit each individual student. One student may wish to do comic book styled work whilst someone else wishes to work with storyboarding, and so on. All students learn the same techniques but each employs these techniques with their own subject matter. Tim's experience in the art fields enables his students to draw from a wealth of information, whether it is used for purely leisure or potentially commercial purposes. During the course other professional illustrators and designers are invited along to act as guest speakers. The students are then able to watch as each creator works on an original piece of artwork, thus enabling them to see how different people all work in individual ways to achieve similar goals. The course is not just about learning to draw and paint, etc, it is also a valuable resource for learning how the industries work and what it entails when looking for a career in the arts fields. The students receive a special student discount card and can get their materials at discount prices from John and Ann at Portfolio artist's supplies in Simmon Street, Sudell Cross, Blackburn. The students' work is usually exhibited at Blackburn Museum, at the end of the course. The students each receive an induction pack consisting of resource lists of recommended artists, reference books, how-to books and websites where they can purchase the books from, etc. There are ongoing demonstrations, by Tim, throughout the course. E.G. how to "Loosen up" and "scribble" to sketch quickly and accurately. Students are introduced to blueline pencilling techniques. The emphasis on the course is having lots of FUN!!! There is a FREE taster session this coming Wednesday 12th of September beginning at 6:00pm and lasting until 9:00pm. This session is open to the public and gives potential new students a chance to sample the course for themselves. For further details email Tim Perkins at: So if you live in or around the area feel free to pop along and see what all the fuss is about. |